Monthly ArchiveJuly 2015

ByDr. Berney

Article from The Guardian: Great article about childhood mental illness and long term consequences of defunding…

ByDr. Berney

Article from The Guardian

Great article about childhood mental illness and long term consequences of defunding services. This study was completed in the UK, but the information holds true here in the States as well. 

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Column from Brain Blogger: Very nice article about the unfortunate stigma many hold for those struggling with…

ByDr. Berney

Column from Brain Blogger

Very nice article about the unfortunate stigma many hold for those struggling with mental illness. 

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger 7.4.15: Happy Fourth of July everyone. In this week’s column, I focused on the importance of making…

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger 7.4.15

Happy Fourth of July everyone. In this week’s column, I focused on the importance of making decisions to find your own happiness. We often make choices that satisfy the needs of others, but to the expense of our own happiness. While it may feel selfish, sometimes we have to make decisions that are good for us, despite what others think/want.

Read the column here: