Monthly ArchiveJuly 2015

ByDr. Berney

Ledger 7.11.15: This week’s column focuses on the importance of approaching problems, one piece at a time. We are…

ByDr. Berney

Ledger 7.11.15

This week’s column focuses on the importance of approaching problems, one piece at a time. We are often overwhelmed when we try to tackle the whole thing at once. Organizing our thoughts and managing one part of the project at a time can keep us focused and meet our expectations.

Read the column here:

ByDr. Berney

New Podcast Episode: Hello everyone! Hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July. We have just posted a new…

ByDr. Berney

New Podcast Episode

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a safe and happy Fourth of July. We have just posted a new episode of The Mental Breakdown podcast, which can be found here on iTunes or on the blog. If you like our podcasts, we would love it if you could jump on iTunes and write a review, as that helps get the word out about the podcast and lets others know that it is there!

Thanks and we hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Dr. Berney

ByDr. Berney

Episode 15: Mental Health: ADHD – Rebound, Adult ADHD, and Comorbidity: In this week’s episode, Drs. Berney and…

ByDr. Berney

Episode 15: Mental Health: ADHD – Rebound, Adult ADHD, and Comorbidity

In this week’s episode, Drs. Berney and Richard respond to listener emails about ADHD. Specific topics discussed include the rebound effect – which is a phenomenon that happens to many children, late in the afternoon, when the medication is wearing off. They also talk review the truth about “adult onset ADHD” and the concerns of comorbidity (the presence of multiple medical conditions) in children. Have a listen and we hope you enjoy. Please, continue to end in your questions and write a comment or review on iTunes!

Mr. Rasmussen was not available to edit this episode, so I (Dr. Berney) had to fill in. As such, please forgive any fluctuations audio, as I really had no idea what all I was doing. 🙂

ByDr. Berney

PsychCentral article on the myths of Autism: Many people think they know Autism. They see people on TV with the…

ByDr. Berney

PsychCentral article on the myths of Autism

Many people think they know Autism. They see people on TV with the condition and then generalize those characteristics to everyone with Autism. This article does a nice job of addressing some of those myths with reality. 

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Article about the use of antipsychotic medications in boys

It is sad to see these numbers. A large percentage of boys are being prescribed antipsychotic medications, off label, for disorders such as ADHD. These medications are not even FDA approved for ADHD! We need to find a new way to address these behaviors! Maybe we should at least begin to consider diet…

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Article about the use of antipsychotic medications in boys

It is sad to see these numbers. A large percentage of boys are being prescribed antipsychotic medications, off label, for disorders such as ADHD. These medications are not even FDA approved for ADHD! We need to find a new way to address these behaviors! Maybe we should at least begin to consider diet…

Read the article here: