Yearly Archive2015

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger – Making New Routines to Find Change

In this week’s column, we review several of the reasons we fail at keeping to our New Year’s resolutions.

Read the article here.

ByDr. Berney

This week’s column… Parenting The Child You Have

ByDr. Berney

Parenting the Child You Have…

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 7: Common Core

The culmination of the school reform movement that began in the 1980s has to be Common Core. The push for Accountability, a Standards Based Curriculum, and School Choice come together in this single approach to education. Common Core has permeated most of our vernacular and affects nearly every aspect of our children’s schooling despite the fact that it is a relatively well guarded secret. There are a lot of opinions about Common Core – some favorable, some less so. However, for good or bad, Common Core is here and we must figure out how to adapt to it.

In this episode of Paedeia, Read More

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 36: Deciding Wrong

As parents, many of us fear the day that our child approaches us with a dire statement. Whether it is one to suggest that he/she wants to hurt him/herself, that he/she is using drugs, or that he/she is leaving and does not plan on returning, we all dread the day when our child reaches a point in their life where our ability to help is limited.

In this episode of The Mental Breakdown, Read More

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 35: Change

We all have things about us that we would like to change. However, for many of us, it seems as though every effort that we make to create change falls short of our expectations. Whether it is losing weight, “disconnecting” from technology, or spending more time with family, stopping those behaviors that interfere with our goals is really frustrating! Read More

ByDr. Berney

Please note that the Managing the Holidays workshop originally scheduled for Friday 12/11 has been CANCELLED….

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 5 – Sound Aspirations, Impossible Implementation

Paedeia Episode 5 – Sound Aspirations, Impossible Implementation

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 31 Attribution Theory

TMB Episode 31 Attribution Theory

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 6: Six Students with School Refusal

In 1961, a now famous article was written in a journal called The Lancet. In the article, the author – a London-based pediatrician – wrote about six children with coughs. The purpose of the article was to help pediatricians-in-training understand the importance of appropriate diagnostic practices; after all, at that time in our history, a cough could have meant anything from allergies to tuberculosis.

In this podcast, Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard take a similar approach to a modern day concern – school refusal. As was the case with coughs in 1961, school refusal today can be caused by many different things and it is imperative that parents, teachers, and mental health professionals thoroughly explore the cause of the refusal. We are often eager to jump to blaming the student for being lazy or careless. However, it is only through understanding WHY the student is avoiding school that we will come to the most appropriate intervention.

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