Standing on the Precipice

ByDr. Berney

Standing on the Precipice


By Snapshots Of The Past (The Cliffs Dover England) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When I wake up on Monday mornings, I often feel as though I am standing atop a cliff. If I look straight out, I can see my destination in the distance; shining and shimmering in the light of dawn.

As I shift my gaze downward, I can see all of the tasks I have to accomplish in order to reach my goal. All the work and obstacles that must be overcome to have any hope of reaching that destination – which, at times, looks like it is getting farther away .

It is at that point where I have a choice. On one hand, I can stand here on this cliff and evaluate all of the challenges I will have to overcome. I can weigh out my odds to determine if it is even worth the hassle; if it is even worth a try. I can attempt to analyze every storm cloud and every wave that makes the journey seem insurmountable. After all, if I were to sneak a peak behind me, I would realize that the path that led me here is well worn and easy. [I may have even passed a Wawa on the way…]. Very tempting. Very easy. Very ordinary.

On the other hand, I can shrug my shoulders and realize that those obstacles way out there may or may not be there by the time I reach that point in my journey. Who knows what the future holds — by the time I reach that point, I could have supports and resources that would make those obstacles insignificant. Or those storms may pass and move out of my way. Sure, they might not, but who knows? Is that “what if” worth giving up on that goal? Is it worth giving up on reaching my own personal Oz?

As you wake up this morning and make your own decision, what will you choose? The easy path that leads you to the same places you have already been; or the more challenging path that will lead you to your goals? Easy paths are… well… easy. And while you may try to fool yourself into believing that easier is better, your REAL self knows that satisfaction, joy, and fulfillment comes when you take on a challenge and succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt is noted to have said,

“Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”

Today, as I stand on my own precipice, I have decided to continue looking forward. To continue the work I have been doing. To continue to push myself toward that ultimate goal, regardless of the potential for obstacles. Because I know that the only challenge I have to overcome right now, is getting off of this cliff so that I can get to work!

What are you going to decide?

About the author

Dr. Berney administrator

4 Comments so far

Rebecca E.Posted on1:16 am - Jun 27, 2016

Great article! It reminds me of one of my favorite movie quotes:

“Of course it’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. Hard is what makes it great.”
— Jimmy Dugan (Tom Hanks), from the film A League Of Their Own

Dr. BerneyPosted on6:24 am - Jun 27, 2016

So true Rebecca. In fact, I am working on a podcast/blog post for this week that expands on it a little. It will be titled “The Consequence of Competence.” Good, hard work certainly has its rewards. But it also comes with an obligation of more good, hard work. And I think that it is our responsibility to live up to that! We owe it to ourselves and to those that we are helping/teaching/supporting. As Dory says… “Just keep swimming.” 🙂

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