Exciting Podcast Update

ByDr. Berney

Exciting Podcast Update

For those of you who follow this blog, our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and our podcast, you have likely seen the recent activity regarding Mixlr. As such, I thought it appropriate to write a little background to let you know what it is and to encourage you to check it out.

Mixlr is an online broadcasting program that allows us to broadcast our podcast live, while we are recording! For those who are interested, you can download the app from either iTunes or Google Play, create a free profile, and follow The Mental Breakdown! As our number of followers increases, more people will find us and join in on the discussion!

Each week we will announce when the podcast will be recorded and you will be able to launch the app and listen directly from your mobile device or from your computer. You will also be able to listen to previous podcasts (starting with Episode 25, which is already on Mixlr, but not yet posted to iTunes) through the Mixlr app as well. At this time, the podcast will consistently be aired at 8:00 am on Friday; though we may shift that time in the future.

The most exciting aspect of Mixlr is that you will be able to interact with us in real time! The app has a chat feature, which allows you to write to us (and other listeners) while we are recording. This will afford you the opportunity to ask questions, pose alternate suggestions, and clarify information we are providing. We now have the opportunity to engage in real time discussions with all of our listeners, hopefully enriching the podcast for everyone. SO EXCITING!

We are very excited about our switch to Mixlr! We will continue to post our podcasts on our blog as well as iTunes for those of you who have subscribed. So do not worry if you are hesitant to give Mixlr a try. But if you are adventurous and want to take part in the podcast, we encourage you to check it out and let us know what you think. We will likely start recording brief podcasts midweek as the opportunities arise. They will always be on Mixlr and we will post alerts to let you know when they will happen.

Thanks again for your engagement with us. As always, we encourage you to jump on to iTunes and write a review of the podcast, as that will also increase our visibility and allow others to find us!

Have a great weekend and we look forward to talking with you next week.

About the author

Dr. Berney administrator

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