Monthly ArchiveOctober 2015

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Epidode 1: School Reform

This is a repost of a podcast Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard recorded for The Mental Breakdown several months ago on school reform and education. Hope you enjoy it. New recordings for Paedeia will be up soon.

ByDr. Berney

Please note a change in our regular schedule. The Mental Breakdown will be live Thursday afternoon at 1:00.

ByDr. Berney

Please note a change in our regular schedule. The Mental Breakdown will be live Thursday afternoon at 1:00.… #mixlr

ByDr. Berney

Hope to talk to her on the podcast!!

ByDr. Berney

The Atlantic – Removing Play from Kindergarten: Similar to my last post from Psychology Today, here is another…

ByDr. Berney

The Atlantic – Removing Play from Kindergarten

Similar to my last post from Psychology Today, here is another article about removing play from kindergarten. This piece focuses on the fact that while American kindergarten classrooms emphasize academics, Finnish kindergarten classrooms emphasize play! Yet the US schools trail Finnish schools in the international comparisons by a long way! Interesting that we are not following the research or direct evidence that proves what we are doing is NOT WORKING!

Read the article here.

ByDr. Berney

Psychology Today – Free to Learn: If you read anything that we post, you know that we are taking a strong stand…

ByDr. Berney

Psychology Today – Free to Learn

If you read anything that we post, you know that we are taking a strong stand against standardized testing and the “Race to the Top” mentality of our current education system. Here is a recent article published in Psychology Today about the long term effects of replacing play-based preschool and kindergarten with academically-focused early childhood education. Fascinating studies from around the world that suggest, as we often say here at The Mental Breakdown, focusing on developmentally appropriate needs is the best road to long term success!

Read the article here,

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger – 10.25.15: The future is yours for the taking. A frequently used statement, but what is it really…

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger – 10.25.15

The future is yours for the taking. A frequently used statement, but what is it really suggesting? Can we really make our future what we want it to be?

In this week’s column we wrote about the importance of taking control of your life and making your future what you want it to be! Simple advice that is sometimes difficult to follow.

Read the full column here.