Monthly ArchiveAugust 2015

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger – 8.1.15

Within the next few weeks, students will be returning to school. Though some are excited about returning to the classroom, others are less than enthusiastic. In this column we review several steps parents can take to help prepare for the coming school year and increase their children’s excitement about the new year.

Read the column here: Back to School Prep Can Be Good

ByDr. Berney

Episode 19: Mental Health: Normal Anxieties: In recent podcasts we have been discussing ADHD. We selected it…

ByDr. Berney

Episode 19: Mental Health: Normal Anxieties

In recent podcasts we have been discussing ADHD. We selected it because it is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders in school age children and a primary reason for children to be referred to professionals. Children with ADHD have high referral rates not only because of their own learning difficulties, but because they are a distraction to teachers and classmates. Though less commonly referred because they are not a problem to others are students who have Anxiety Disorders. Statistically, anxiety disorders are almost twice as prevalent as ADHD.  Unlike those struggling with ADHD, many students with Anxiety Disorders struggle in silence, as their stress is “internalized,” meaning that all of the discomfort, stress, and frustration is turned inward. Because they are not expressing their behavior outwardly,  parents and teachers are often unaware that students with anxiety are  struggling.

In this podcast, Drs. Berney and Richard begin a series on anxiety disorders by discussing and reviewing normal anxiety. From birth through adulthood, it is normal to experience anxiety. In fact, anxiety is necessary as it warns us of potential problems in our environment. So a certain amount of anxiety and worry is normal.  An important part of healthy development is to confront our anxieties and to develop the skills necessary for dealing with our stressors.

This podcast was edited by Mr. Andrew Rasmussen.