Monthly ArchiveMay 2015

ByDr. Berney

Episode 09: Education: More On The Left Behind

In this week’s episode, Drs. Berney and Richard welcome their first guest, Mr. Thomas, facility administrator of a small juvenile correction facility for youth with borderline intellectual ability. Berney, Richard and Thomas discuss the issue of education in a juvenile facility and explore the fact that these high risk juveniles are held to the same state standards as any other student, despite a multitude of risk factors. Our current educational climate attempts to treat all students as though they have the same resources, motivations, and abilities. This, however, is an example of a group of students who are being held to a standard that they cannot meet.

This episode was edited and produced by Mr. Andrew Rasmussen.

ByDr. Berney

Less than a week from now!

ByDr. Berney

Less than a week from now!

ByDr. Berney

Article about Omega 3 from Futurity – The Mental Breakdown

ByDr. Berney

Article about Omega 3 from Futurity

Great article reporting more benefits of Omega 3 as it relates to mood stabilization! We all should be taking supplements, especially since we no longer eat the way we did in the past.

Read the article here: via @FuturityNews

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger 5.9.15 – The Mental Breakdown

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger 5.9.15

In this week’s column, Drs. Berney and Richard talk about the problem of giving students zeros. 

Feel free to send us your thoughts and ideas about the purpose of zeros. 

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Episode 08: Education: 45 Hours, Teacher Voices, and Opt-Out – The Mental Breakdown

ByDr. Berney

Episode 08: Education: 45 Hours, Teacher Voices, and Opt-Out

In Episode 8, Drs. Berney and Richard respond to listener emails. The first addresses the new Florida law restricting testing to 45 hours. Is it really 45 hours, or is more time wasted than we think? The second email addresses a very important issue. Who are making these school reform decisions? The third email references many of the recent news reports about students and schools “opting-out” of the standardized tests. What implications will this have and is it a viable option for Florida students?

This episode was edited by Mr. Andrew Rasmussen.