Monthly ArchiveApril 2015

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger article 4.11.15: In my column this week I wrote about the tendency to get stuck on the idea of making…

ByDr. Berney

The Ledger article 4.11.15

In my column this week I wrote about the tendency to get stuck on the idea of making the “right choice” and missing what could be the “best choice.” Making decisions are tough, take some time and follow these steps to increase the likelihood of making the best choice possible.

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Education Week column about Teacher Stress: This is a great column written by a teacher who is leaving education….

ByDr. Berney

Education Week column about Teacher Stress

This is a great column written by a teacher who is leaving education. She has taught for six years, but cannot do it any more. In this raw and thoughtful article, she admits to various sad and unfortunate events. We really must support our teachers instead of insisting that they are lazy, inept, and simply those who could not do anything else with their lives (That’s right, the old adage “Those who can do, those who can’t teach” is WRONG!). Teachers are talented and amazing people. Yes people. We should not forget that.

Read the article here:

ByDr. Berney

Washington Post article on STEM Education and its Limitations

If you follow any of the material I post/write on this blog, you know how I feel about education and where our country is going as it relates to teaching our children. This article does a wonderful job of reviewing some of the limitations of a narrow focus educational system. It also does well to put our relatively poor international test performance into some perspective.

What do you think about our push for STEM education? Is that the way of the future or should it remain just a part of an overall education?

Read the WP article here:

ByDr. Berney

A new episode of The Mental Breakdown podcast has been uploaded! Check it out!!:


ByDr. Berney

Episode 03 – Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Violence: In Episode 03, Drs. Berney and Richard expand their…

ByDr. Berney

Episode 03 – Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Violence

In Episode 03, Drs. Berney and Richard expand their discussion of mental health and mental illness. In this episode, the relationship between mental illness and violence is reviewed. While many believe that violent offenders often have some form of mental illness, Drs. Berney and Richard provide multiple examples that illustrate the relatively small relationship between mental illness and violence.

This episode was edited by Andrew Rasmussen.

ByDr. Berney

Article from Medscape on Suicide Risks for Medical Students: We often think of students in professional schools…

ByDr. Berney

Article from Medscape on Suicide Risks for Medical Students

We often think of students in professional schools (medical, law, and graduate) as being smart, stable individuals. However, the stress and pressure placed on these students, who are sometimes in the mid 20s, is immense. Calls in to question an issue I have written about before, what are colleges and other institutes of higher education doing to prevent mental health problems in students?

Do you think that medical schools should do more to weed out students who could potentially “crack” under the pressure or do you think that they should offer them emotional and mental health supports?

Read the article here: