Digging Up The Past (TMB95)

ByDr. Berney

Digging Up The Past (TMB95)


How many times have you been in a discussion (or argument) with someone about one thing, when all of a sudden, the other person brings up something from the past that is completely unrelated? Let’s admit it. We have all been there, on both sides of the table.

We often find ourselves wanting/needing to resolve issues from the past. Unfortunately, if we are not mindful, we will bring these issues up at the wrong time, exacerbating problems and resulting in more unresolved issues. In this podcast, Dr. Berney talks about the importance of dealing with these past problems in a healthy, agreeable, and safe way.

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About the author

Dr. Berney administrator

Dr. Berney is a Licensed Psychologist with over 10 years of clinical experience and specializes in pediatric psychology, neuropsychology, and forensic psychology. Dr. Berney provides a wide array of mental health services to his clients, including individual therapy, family therapy and parent training, psychological and neuropsychological assessment, forensic evaluations, and group therapy. In addition to his clinical services, Dr. Berney has conducts workshops and seminars to professional and community groups across the nation. He writes a weekly column in The Ledger entitled The Mental Breakdown and is co-author of several works, including the Handbook for Raising an Emotionally Healthy Child (available on Amazon Kindle), The Elimination Diet Manual (available on Amazon Kindle), and the Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale. Dr. Berney is also the co-host of two weekly podcasts, The Mental Breakdown and The Psychreg Podcast, both of which can be found on iTunes.