Category ArchiveWorkshops

ByDr. Berney

Update on Events and Projects

Yesterday I had the opportunity to present at the Heartland Unit NASW event honoring Social Workers. While there, I was asked several questions about some of the projects and events we are working. So, this morning, I thought I would provide an update on some of the things happening here at The Mental Breakdown and Paedeia. Read More

ByDr. Berney

Raising an Emotionally Healthy Child: Managing Anxiety

Anxiety cover page

PACFlorida is pleased to announce an upcoming 8-hour workshop for parents of children struggling with anxiety. During the first session (five hours on Saturday May 16), parents will learn the biological basis of anxiety and the internal and external stimuli that trigger an anxious response. The majority of the first session will focus on teaching parents methods for preventing anxiety by identifying and reducing common triggers and managing anxiety when it happens through a variety of interventions.

After the first session, parents will take home a journal, where they will track their child’s progress over the subsequent two weeks. Parents will keep track of the benefits observed through use of the techniques taught during the first session and return with the completed journal for the second session.

During the second session (three hours on May 30), parents will review their progress in a group setting. Parents will discuss what they found beneficial and recommendations will be made to adjust those techniques to meet individual needs.

The workshop will be limited to 10 families, so call today for more information and to put your name on the list.