Category ArchiveTMB-Podcast

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 35: Change

We all have things about us that we would like to change. However, for many of us, it seems as though every effort that we make to create change falls short of our expectations. Whether it is losing weight, “disconnecting” from technology, or spending more time with family, stopping those behaviors that interfere with our goals is really frustrating! Read More

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 34: Six Students with Inattention

In 1961, a now famous article was written in a journal called The Lancet. In the article, the author – a London-based pediatrician – wrote about six children with coughs. The purpose of the article was to help pediatricians-in-training understand the importance of appropriate diagnostic practices; after all, at that time in our history, a cough could have meant anything from allergies to tuberculosis.

In this podcast, Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard take a similar approach to a modern day concern – inattention in schools. As was the case with coughs in 1961, inattention today can be caused by many different things and it is imperative that parents, teachers, and mental health professionals thoroughly explore the cause of the inattention. We are often eager to jump from symptom to treatment without first understanding the diagnostic underpinning of the issues. It is only through understanding WHY the student is inattentive that we will come to the most appropriate intervention.

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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 33: Happy Holidays

While the holidays can bring a lot of joy and happiness, it can also bring stress and frustration. When we wish someone a “Happy Holiday” – whether it is a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, or a Happy Chanukah – we tend to focus on the holiday specifically. That is, the Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Chanukah component of the greeting. Seldom do we focus on the well wishes for happiness.

What does it mean to be happy? What can you do to make your holidays, and every other day of your life happy?

In this podcast, Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard talk about what it means to be happy by reviewing the three components of happiness, and conversely, unhappiness.

  • Places you go
  • People you interact with
  • Activities you do

If you can find a way to align these three things with your overall goals in life, you will find happiness. Listen to this podcast and find out how you can use these principles to have a truly happy holiday and happy life.

Follow us on Twitter (@drberney) and Facebook.

If you listen on iTunes, please leave us a review to help others find us and join in on the conversation!

ByDr. Berney

Episode 32: Thanksgiving as a Metaphor for Life

Well, the holidays are upon us. Later this week is Thanksgiving and Christmas is just a few weeks away. While many experience joy and excitement during the holidays, others find this time of year to be very difficult. Whether it is depression or anxiety, the holiday season is a challenge for some to manage. These negative feelings often have identifiable triggers. We tend to feel obligated to go places we don’t like going, spend time with people we would rather avoid, and do things we would rather not do. As Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard considered these issues, they realized – as you might as well – that these “obligations” are really no different than any other time in our life.

In this episode of The Mental Breakdown, Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard talk about these issues and review strategies and perspectives that may help you better cope with the holidays and every other day of your life!

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If you listen on iTunes, please leave us a review to help others find us and join in on the conversation!

ByDr. Berney

Episode 31: Attribution Theory

How do you explain it when you are depressed? What do you believe causes your anxiety? Why does your child break the rules despite you telling him dozens of times to follow the rules?

The way we attempt to understand our behaviors and emotions is called Attribution Theory. Do you attribute your depression to factors you can control or do you blame outside forces for your feelings? Do you believe that your child misbehaves because he has ADHD or because he does not have the ability to meet your expectations?

Your attribution style will influence how difficult (or easy) it will be for you to overcome the symptoms. In this podcast we discuss the best way for you to understand these issues and find ways to cope with your symptoms.

ByDr. Berney

Episode 30: Building Resiliency

Resiliency is an attribute we want our children to develop. However, we often do things that are counterproductive. Helicopter parenting and other parenting styles often result in parents solving problems for their children. In fact, many parents work hard to ensure that there are no obstacles for their children at all!

To build resiliency, however, we must experience adversity. We must have experiences where we fall and have to get back up again to move on. Without these experiences, we will never grow as a person and develop the skills needed to handle life’s curveballs!


ByDr. Berney

Episode 29: Opting to Opt Out

The Opt Out movement is gaining momentum. Just this week (the week of October 19, 2015), politicians in Florida and even President Obama’s camp have come out and finally commented on the growing concerns for our education system. Student are being tested too much and we have to take a stand.

The Opt Out movement is exactly what it sounds like, parents, students, and even some teachers are opting out of the state mandated tests! An entire school district here in Florida has recently stated that they will no longer comply with the high stakes testing, instead opting for nationally normed tests, such as the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, which have good psychometric properties and are well established.

In this podcast, Drs. Berney and Richard talk about the growing concerns of testing our students and begin the conversation on Opting Out. Join us and let’s make change happen.

ByDr. Berney

Episode 28: Mental Illness in the Schools

It is estimated that 20% of school aged children suffer from mental health concerns, half of whom would be considered seriously impaired. While these numbers mirror estimates for adults, the fact that approximately 66-70% of students with mental health problems receive insufficient treatment is unacceptable. As Drs. Berney and Richard discuss, most students with mental health problems are managed in the school system.

While much of this prevalence can be explained by genetic heritability, there are many aspects of the modern-day school system that exacerbates these problems. Zero tolerance policies and high stakes testing push students to extremes and often result in worsening symptoms.

In this episode, Drs. Berney and Richard discuss several issues that should be addressed in our schools. The most important of which is the nature of the relationships between students, parents, and teachers. Drs. Berney and Richard also talk about needed changes in the ways in which we assess student achievement and respond to “inappropriate” student behavior.

We encourage you to follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter (@drberney). You can also follow our blog ( We also encourage you to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes (The Mental Breakdown) and write a review on iTunes to help others find us and join in on the conversation. You can also follow us on Mixlr ( and listen live when we record The Mental Breakdown podcast.

Tune in and join the conversation for change!

This episode was produced by Mr. Andrew Rasmussen.

ByDr. Berney

Episode 27: Mental Illness Awareness Week

This past week was Mental Health Awareness Week. It more or less passed with little to no recognition or air time. And this is the problem with Mental Illness in the United States.

Mental health issues only make front page news following a traumatic incident, such as the most recent mass shooting from a few weeks ago, despite the fact that 20% of Americans will suffer from a mental illness at some point in our lives. Following such a traumatic event, everyone talks about the issues with mental illness, not from a perspective of treatment, but from the point of view suggesting that those with mental illness are dangerous.

In this episode of The Mental Breakdown, Drs. Berney and Richard talk about the stigma of mental illness. They review the facts associated with the ways in which our society marginalize mental illness until such a time that a tragedy causes the issues to take center stage. Even then, though, the discussion is not about treatment or prevention, it is politicized and demonized to the point of even more avoidance.

In addition to their discussion on the stigma of mental illness, Drs. Berney and Richard discuss the areas of need, the other topics that merge with mental illness and warrant specific attention.

The first is guns. While they avoid the political punditry, Drs. Berney and Richard have a practical discussion about the issues of guns and the mentally ill.

The second is schools. The public school system is the number one provider of mental health services to children in the United States, yet their are less than adequately trained and are ill-equipped to provide the services so many students need.

The third are the caregivers. Although many with a mental illness receive treatment, it is the parents, loved ones, and caregivers that provide the front line, day-to-day care of the mentally ill. They, too, need support and attention.

After listening, we would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. Feel free to write in on Facebook, Twitter, or on our blog!

ByDr. Berney

Episode 26: Tech Time!

As psychologists, we are often asked about kids’ use of technology. How much is too much? How long should I allow my child to play video games?

In this podcast, Drs. Berney and Richard discuss the 168 Hour Solution. Listeners will learn how to use this simple rule to structure and schedule their child’s day and ensure that the child is not spending too much time plugged in.

Drs. Berney and Richard also explain how the 168 Hour Solution can be used to ensure that your child’s responsibilities are met before they start using electronics. As mentioned in The Urge to Punish, structuring your child’s life and dealing with the antecedents (as opposed to focusing on consequences) will help you and your child better appreciate how much time they have available for video games. That’s right… We should shift the question from “How much time should my child play video games” to “How much time do they have available to play video games?”

It is important to remember that all electronics are not created equal. Online gaming is different than TV which is different than social media. You have to know your child so that you can decide the best way to manage these electronics!