Category ArchiveTMB-Podcast

ByDr. Berney

Breeding Bravery (TMB75)

When we think of bravery, we tend to think of heroes and knights. People who have done amazing and life threatening things. Those who did not allow fear to stop them from accomplishing their mission. But what if consider the idea that bravery goes just a little bit deeper? What if we consider the fact that many of the things we do every day require bravery? And if we can imagine that, what does it mean when we fail to stand up for ourselves or take the risks necessary to make our lives better?
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ByDr. Berney

Work Hard Play Hard (TMB74)

In our modern culture, we work more than twice as much as our hunter-gatherer ancestors. According to most researchers, hunter-gatherers “work” approximately 20 hours per week (7 days), whereas statistics suggest that modern Americans work approximately 45 hours per week (5 days). So in our “progressive” world, we actually work more than ever before.
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 73: The Consequence of Competence

Why do we work so hard when it seems as though our hard work results in more work?  There are many explanations for why we work hard – our individual personality, what has been modeled for us, and our overall view about the purpose of life. But how do we accept the fact that when we do a good job, we tend to be “punished” by being asked (or told) to do more?
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 72: Independent and Self-Sufficient

In this podcast, Dr. Berney discusses the difference between being independent and being self-sufficient. As parents, it is important that we use our child’s developmental drive for independence to build competence and self-esteem. Instead of doing everything for our child – “because it is faster” – it is critical that we allow our children to try, fail, and then try again. It is through this cycle that they become truly self-sufficient.
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 70: ADHD Primer

In preparation for our upcoming Parenting Your ADHD Child course, this podcast is a brief primer on ADHD, briefly covering diagnostic considerations, differentiating ADHD and ADD, and a little about treatment.
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 69: Caring for Caregivers

Alzheimer’s Disorder and other neurodegenerative disorders affect nearly 50 million people worldwide and there are as many as 7.7 million new cases each year. As a result, there is a large portion of the adult population who are responsible for the care of their parents. The Sandwich Generation, as they are called, are put under the pressure of managing the needs of their aging parents while working and supporting themselves as well as their children.
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 68: Why Kids Ask Why

It has to be one of the most challenging things a parent must learn to manage, the incessant “why questions” we hear from our young children. Why is the sky blue? Why can’t I have that candy? Why Why Why?
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 67: Recovering from a Tragedy

In the early morning hours of June 12, 2016, the worst mass shooting occurred at a nightclub in Orlando, FL. With at least 50 dead and 53 injured, it was the worst mass shooting in US history. As investigators work to learn more about the incident, it is important that we, as a community, work together to pick each other up, mourn and honor those who have passed on before their time, and look ahead to our future. Read More

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 66: To Spank or Not to Spank

Spare the rod, spoil the child. We have all heard this rationale for using spanking kids. In fact, many of us have used it as a rationale for the use of corporal punishment with our own children. But is spanking as effective as we imagine it to be? What are the long term effects?
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