Monthly ArchiveFebruary 2017

ByDennis Relojo

We Share Good Vibes

We believe that sharing information is the most ideal way to bring about positive change, not only in our individual lives, but in society in general.

ByDennis Relojo

Training and Consultancy

We want you to thrive. We have a range of bespoke consultation and training services, for professionals, schools, health services and many more.

ByDennis Relojo

Balance and Inspiration

Through years of experience, we can help you achieve balance and inspiration in your life.

ByDr. Berney

Freedom vs. Determinism (YouTube)

Freedom vs. Determinism (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Freedom vs. Determinism

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown and Psychreg Podcast!  Today, Dr. Berney kicks off your week-long introduction to five major personality continua, including:

Freedom (people are free to choose and are responsible for their own choices) vs. Determinism (external forces and unconscious drives control people’s behavior)

Rationality (people make decision logically and try to understand the world) vs. Irrationality (people are driven by their emotions and other irrational influences)

Proactivity (changes occurs from within) vs. Reactivity (external forces, including reward and punishment, change behavior)

Homeostasis (people seek balance and the status quo) vs. Heterostasis (people are motivated t change and grow)

Changeability (people are constantly changing and growing) vs. Unchangeability (people do not have the capacity for fundamental change)

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ByDr. Berney

Multitasking (TMBPRP018)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown and Psychreg Podcast!  Today we discuss multitasking – we all think we can do it, but can our brains really handle it?

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ByDr. Berney

Never Say You’re Sorry (TMBPRP017)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown and Psychreg Podcast!  Today we discuss an article from Psychology Today that addresses the issue of apology and why it seems as though so many seem unable (or willing) to utter these simple words, “I’m Sorry.”

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