Category ArchiveTMB-Podcast

ByDr. Berney


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. In the age of social media and 140 character limits, deep – and arguably philosophical – statements are made through the use of acronyms. This week, we focus on some common acronyms that could help shape our lives. Today, we focus our attention on NSFW (Not Safe for Work) and FYEO (For Your Eyes Only), both of which serve as reminders that we should be mindful of how our actions impact others. Sure the constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but some topics are best left for select audiences.
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ByDr. Berney


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. In the age of social media and 140 character limits, deep – and arguably philosophical – statements are made through the use of acronyms. This week, we focus on some common acronyms that could help shape our lives. Today, we focus our attention on FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), which could be used as a motivator to push ourselves to experience all the world and life has to offer.
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ByDr. Berney


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. In the age of social media and 140 character limits, deep – and arguably philosophical – statements are made through the use of acronyms. This week, we focus on some common acronyms that could help shape our lives. Today, we focus our attention on YOLO (You Only Live Once), which reminds us to live in the moment, seek happiness, and to be the best you can be in the now.
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ByDr. Berney

Reflecting on 2016 (TMB119)

With 2016 coming to a close, we should take some time to reflect back on the year and see what we can learn. We have all had successes, as well as failures. What made one experience a success, but another experience a disappointment?
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ByDr. Berney

Resolutions 5: “Improve my Health” (TMBMS080)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. This week on the show, we will be talking about common New Year’s Resolutions. Probably the most commonly set – and broken – resolutions have something to do with health. People set goals to lose weight, increase exercise, or just live healthier lives. On today’s show we talk about considerations for resolutions focused on improving your overall health.
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ByDr. Berney

Resolutions 4: “Improve my Career” (TMBMS079)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. This week on the show, we will be talking about common New Year’s Resolutions. Many people set resolutions that focus on their work life. Whether they want to start their own business or move ahead with their current company, work-related resolutions are great ways to create motivation for the new year. On today’s show we talk about considerations for resolutions focused on improving your work life.
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ByDr. Berney

Resolutions 3: “More Family Time” (TMBMS078)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. This week on the show, we will be talking about common New Year’s Resolutions. One common resolution is to spend more time with family. Whether you want to start having dinner together on a regular basis, or spend more time doing family outings, time with family can and should be a great way to recharge your emotional batteries. On today’s show we talk about considerations for resolutions focused on building more family time.
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ByDr. Berney

Resolutions 2: “I will stop…” (TMBMS077)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. This week on the show, we will be talking about common New Year’s Resolutions. On today’s show we talk about how you can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with “stopping” resolutions.
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ByDr. Berney

Resolutions 1: “I will start…” (TMBMS076)

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. This week on the show, we will be talking about common New Year’s Resolutions. On today’s show we talk about how you can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with “starting” resolutions.
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ByDr. Berney

Boiled Frogs and Goldilocks (TMB118)

We have all heard the admittedly morbid parable of boiled frogs. That is, if you put a frog in boiling water, he will jump right out. But if you put him in cool water and then heat it to a boil, the frog will remain in the water . Whether you have heard of the frogs parable or not, you are certainly aware of the story of Goldilocks and her need to find the porridge, chair, or bed that is “just right.”
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