Category ArchivePaedeia

ByDr. Berney

Ready or Not, Here Comes School! (TMB90/PEP28)



Given the topic, this podcast is being posted for both The Mental Breakdown and the Paedeia Education Podcast. We have taken a bit of a break with the Paedeia podcast, but we hope that it will be up and running again very soon.

The new school starts within the next few weeks for most students. And having a clean transition back to school from their summer break is an important aspect to starting off the year on a positive note. Read More

ByDr. Berney

Preparing for the Return of School (PEP27)

PEP 27 Cover Art

As we approach the new school year, parents are encouraged to start the transition early to ensure a healthy and stress-free shift from summer vacation to the school schedule.  Read More

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 26: 2016 PCSB Candidate Forum

This podcast is the audio from a forum sponsored by the Citizens for Better Educational Leadership (CBEL) and comprised of the candidates for the 2016 Polk County School Board election. Dr. Berney served as the moderator and nine of the 11 candidates for school board were present. While the candidate forum is specific to Polk County, many of the issues discussed are relevant to those living in other districts and states. As a result of the acoustics in the room,  the audio is not great. Nonetheless, we wanted to share it because the forum was a great way to learn more about the candidates and their positions on various issues. Read More

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 25: PEP Status Update


This brief update is posted to let our faithful listeners know that we we have not been able to record a new podcast in a few weeks. Dr. Richard is expected to return to the office next week, at which time we are eager to return to our regular podcast production schedule.

In the meantime, Read More

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 24: Sugar, Sugar

The summer is a great time to create new habits for you and your children. One habit that most of us need to address is our tendency to consume too much sugar. Sugar is a silent factor that contributes to poor overall health, not to mention our mental health and our ability to learn.
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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 23: Fight Right

The sad, but realistic truth is that we get into fights and arguments with our kids. We shouldn’t, but we do. Whether we are arguing over what they should wear, choices they have made, or what they choose to do with their time, arguments happen. And the way we as parents handle those arguments influence the relationship we have with our children and their success/motivation to meet our expectations.
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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 22: What Did You Do This Summer?


When kids return to school in August, one of the first things that they will be asked is, “What did you do this summer?” In this podcast, Dr. Richard and Dr. Berney discuss three new habits that parents should teach their children over the summer that will improve their academic performance next school year. And they are not what you think.
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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 21: Profound Policy Problems


Whether we like it or not, policies are important. We need a set of guidelines that help us understand the decisions we should make to ensure equity and to protect resources that may otherwise be depleted. However, there are times when policy seems to trump rational thought and decision-making. And unfortunately, this happens far too often in education. In this podcast, Dr. Richard and Dr. Berney talk about some of the unintended consequences that occur when policy drives decisions.
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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 20: Where Does the Buck Stop?


When we ask questions about standardized, high stakes testing or voice concerns about some of the practices associated with the use and administration of these tests, we often hear a familiar line, “We are just doing what we are told to do.” Whether it is the test proctor who invalidates a student’s test because she is sick and vomits on the papers, or the principal who flips the entire school day upside down to accommodate the test schedule, we want to know, where does the buck stop?
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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 19: The Big Disconnect


Though we would like to think of systems as being well-oiled machines, where each part integrates and works well with every other part, that is not always the case. This is especially true in education, where there seems to be a tremendous gulf between the beliefs and expectations of administrators – many of whom are not educators – and teachers/students. In this podcast, Dr. Richard and Dr. Berney talk about this big disconnect and emphasize that there are options, despite the “company line” suggesting that it is “someone else’s fault.” Read More