Author ArchiveDr. Berney

ByDr. Berney

Work Hard Play Hard (TMB74)

In our modern culture, we work more than twice as much as our hunter-gatherer ancestors. According to most researchers, hunter-gatherers “work” approximately 20 hours per week (7 days), whereas statistics suggest that modern Americans work approximately 45 hours per week (5 days). So in our “progressive” world, we actually work more than ever before.
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ByDr. Berney

Breeding Bravery

Path in the Woods Attributed to Richard Webb

Path in the Woods
Attributed to Richard Webb

The word “brave” has many synonyms. Courageous.  Valiant. Heroic. But what does it really mean to be brave? And more importantly, how do we create bravery in ourselves and in our children?

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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 73: The Consequence of Competence (YouTube)

Episode 73: The Consequence of Competence

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 73: The Consequence of Competence

Why do we work so hard when it seems as though our hard work results in more work?  There are many explanations for why we work hard – our individual personality, what has been modeled for us, and our overall view about the purpose of life. But how do we accept the fact that when we do a good job, we tend to be “punished” by being asked (or told) to do more?
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