Author ArchiveDr. Berney

ByDr. Berney

Video Games and Mental Health (YouTube)

Video Games and Mental Health (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Video Games and Mental Health (TMBMS067)


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. A few months ago, Medscape published a video interview, conducted by their editor-in-chief, of neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley, MD, PhD. Dr. Gazzaley spoke about his research on using video games, instead of medications, for treating various forms of mental health problems.

Here is a link to the interview, which includes a transcript. (

Here is a link to the article on depression biotypes (  Read More

ByDr. Berney

Overcoming Limitations (YouTube)

Overcoming Limitations (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Overcoming Limitations (TMBMS066)


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. Last weekend, Dr. Berney attended a Holiday Party held at a banquet hall in a local Inn. While there, he spoke with a woman from the Inn who told him about two employees, one in management and one on the staff, with sensory limitations – one is blind and the other deaf. Such stories are heart warming, as they demonstrate the essence of perseverance despite apparent limitations. On this morning’s show, we talk about overcoming limitations and how obstacles only stop us if we refuse to look for a way around them. Read More

ByDr. Berney

Technology and Emotional Development (YouTube)

Technology and Emotional Development (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Technology and Emotional Development (TMB116)


How do we learn to empathize? How do we know when someone is being sarcastic or flirting or confrontational? All of these skills are gained through social interactions. Trial and error. We have an interaction, interpret it, respond, and experience the reaction from the other person. If they respond positively, then we interpreted their intent correctly. If they respond negatively, well… it is back to the interpretation drawing board. But this learning only happens with face-to-face interactions. When you can see the other person’s micro-expressions and combine those physical cues with the tone, inflection, and content from the verbal cues. Healthy social interactions are difficult and require practice. But what happens when the majority of our interactions turn virtual? What happens when your primary method of communication is via instant messaging and texting?
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ByDr. Berney

Unplugged (YouTube)

Unplugged (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Unplugged (TMBMS065)


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. We use technology for everything. From entertainment to education and from work to relationships, many of us are staring at a screen for the majority of our waking day. Despite our reliance – arguably, our over reliance – on technology, it is critical that we find some time to unplug. On today’s show we offer some easy ways to get you and your family unplugged – at least for a little while – each day. Read More

ByDr. Berney

Technology and Marriages (YouTube)

Technology and Marriages (YouTube)

ByDr. Berney

Technology and Marriages (TMBMS064)


Welcome to The Mental Breakdown Morning Show! Each weekday morning, we will to help get your day off to a great start. Technology has become one of the major factors that influence the health and quality of marriages. While couples once went tobed and talked before going to sleep, now each of them is focused on their own device. On today’s show we talk about the intrusion of technology on relationships and how to avoid it becoming a crowbar that pries you apart. Read More