Daily ArchiveMay 28, 2016

ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 23: Fight Right

The sad, but realistic truth is that we get into fights and arguments with our kids. We shouldn’t, but we do. Whether we are arguing over what they should wear, choices they have made, or what they choose to do with their time, arguments happen. And the way we as parents handle those arguments influence the relationship we have with our children and their success/motivation to meet our expectations.
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ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 60: That’s What She Said

If you read the Harry Potter series, or many other fantasy series, you will likely remember the emphasis placed on words. Whether it was Hermione’s emphasis on the articulation of a particular spell or the anticipated consequences for those who dared to utter the name of He Who Must Not Be Named. Words have power. And while some words have more power than they should, other words are losing their power all together.
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