Daily ArchiveApril 15, 2016

ByDr. Berney

TMB Episode 52: The Disservice We Offer Our Children



While writing a blog post for today (4/15/16), concerns regarding the long term effects of our educational and parental practices on our students became a major focus. The way we expect students to meet success, which we often define as perfection, is troubling and will likely lead to many more problems in the future.

In this podcast, Dr. Berney and Dr. Richard expand on the blog and review the five unintended consequences of our current practices.

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ByDr. Berney

Paedeia Episode 17: Another Education Bill


This past week, the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, signed into law a bill that will allow students in Florida to transfer to any school in the state, regardless of where the child lives in relation to the school. The only stipulations are that the parents provide transportation, the destination school has space for the student, and the student is not under suspension or expulsion from another school.

While many see this as a step in the direction of more choice for parents and students, Dr. Richard and Dr. Berney discuss some of the other issues that are likely to result from this new bill.

Read the press release about the new bill here.

We also discussed a recent article about a lawsuit filed against the Florida Board of education regarding funding. You can read that news release here.

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ByDr. Berney

Are We Doing Our Students a Disservice?

Classroom Author: Malate269

Author: Malate269

In previous blog posts, I have mentioned some of my concerns regarding our youth today. While I believe that they are generally smarter and more experienced than previous generations, I can’t help but wonder if some of the things we, as adults, are doing will actually make life more difficult for them. Read More